How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With
by Clarice Rutherford and David H. Neil

Should be required reading for breeders or anyone acquiring a puppy. Excellent information, well written, easy reading.

Our client and associate, Kymythy, has written a great natural diet for animals verified by our many breeder clients.

The Breeder's Guide

by Phyllis A Holst, DVM

Recommended every day to our clients. The best reference for breeders, in our opinion.


Owner Kyle Symnes brought movie star Sure Grip Rattler of Homeward Bound fame to the sperm bank before taking him to Germany for a visit. (Co-Star Giggolo, A Portuguese Padango owned by Gary Gero is another stored client.)

Of Heritage and Heart  
by Claire Carr

One of our favorite clients, honored us by reading excerpts from this compelling "escape" story at our Westminster dog show party.

Your Pomeranian or
The Pomeranian
by Pauline B. Hughes

Pauline B. Hughes, a former Westminster judge, attended one of our Westminster Dog Show parties and gave her interpretation of the judging. We all listened, especially when she showed a picture of herself and the BEST IN-SHOW judge, Ed Bevins. In the picture Ed looks 23! Check out page 53 in the book.

The Complete Chow Chow
by L.J. Kip Kopatch

Early in Canine Cryobank history, Kip's Ch. Tea Bear's Cheese Wizz was the first ever Chow Chow to have a frozen semen litter. It's in the book!

Popular Music Created
at the Sperm Bank

1998 San Diego Music Award Winner, Lisa Sanders, composed her next hit single, "I Believe" at our sperm bank. If Lisa is not on tour, clients may get to see her as she is a goodfriend and often drops by in here, and once we persuaded her to deliver sperm on the way to a L.A. gig.